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Typhoid fever, or simply known as typhoid, is a global tropical bacterial disease. It was made infamous by the New York cook, ‘Typhoid Mary’, a healthy carrier of typhoid who was responsible for infecting her wealthy employees and their families. The vast majority of cases (90%) occur in Asia but cases also occur in Africa, and Central and South America. If you’re infected and treated with the appropriate antibiotics then you’ll make a full recovery. If however, typhoid fever is left untreated, death rates can be much higher, so you should make sure you’ve had the typhoid vaccination before you travel.
Typhoid, what is it?
Typhoid vaccination
Typhoid vaccination is recommended for all travellers whose planned activities put them at a higher risk in areas where sanitation and food hygiene are poor
A Typhoid Vaccination starts from £44 per dose. If you’re travelling then there’ll be a Travel Consultation and vaccine cost. If you’re not travelling then it’s only the vaccination cost you pay for. A Travel Consultation at Health Klinix is £30 per person.
Typhoid vaccine price
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You should practice good food and water hygiene precautions. These include: Regular hand washing (especially after visiting the toilet, changing nappies and before preparing or eating food). If hand washing facilities are not available, then you should use alcohol gel instead. Make sure you drink from unopened, factory produced bottles and cans, which have an intact seal. Drinks made from boiled water and served hot (e.g. tea, coffee) can generally be safe too. Do not drink tap water, or use ice. If you cannot avoid this, then there are treatments that can be used to disinfect the water instead. Recently prepared, thoroughly cooked food served hot. Fruit that you can peel yourself. Pasteurised dairy produce are good options for food. We would recommend you avoid foods such as salads, uncooked fruit and vegetables, food left uncovered in warm places, unpasteurised dairy produce, raw meat and fish
Typhoid immunisation is the best ‘treatment’. You can also take other step reduce your risk (typhoid is at best 80% effective).
Typhoid treatment
The main symptoms of typhoid you should look out for are: Fever Headache Muscle and joint pains Constipation or diarrhoea Rash Other serious complications include intestinal bleeding and perforation can occur. As these symptoms are not always recognised by healthcare professionals, the diagnosis can sometimes be delayed. The common misconception is that typhoid fever is a diarrhoeal disease (even amongst doctors). Although diarrhoea can be a feature, you are just as likely to experience constipation. In fact, the bacteria actually causes septicaemia or "blood poisoning.” This septicaemia allows the bacteria to spread throughout your body and in serious cases it can spread to the brain causing inflammation or encephalitis. So, before you travel make sure you’ve had a typhoid jab.